Marine fire testing
Warringtonfire undertakes marine fire testing services from our UKAS accredited laboratories in the UK and our BELAC accredited laboratory in Gent.
All of which are International Maritime Organization (IMO) listed test centers.
All ships sailing in international waters must meet the requirements of the International Convention for the Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS).
Warringtonfire is the recognized world-leader in marine fire testing, providing testing in accordance with IMO standards which underpin European Wheelmark and United States Coast Guard (USCG) approvals.
As a result of the UK leaving the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) has implemented the UK Conformity Assessment Scheme for certification of marine equipment
Following the requirements of the Merchant Shipping (Marine Equipment) Regulations, MCA Merchant Shipping Notice and Marine Information Note documents, Warringtonfire has UKAS accreditation and MCA approval to provide UK Marine equipment certification to allow for the use of the UK Mark of conformity – the Red Ensign.
Our Marine fire testing capabilities include flammability, smoke density and toxicity testing to the following standards:
- IMO MSC 307(88)
- Part 1 - Non combustibility
- Part 2 - Smoke and toxicity
- Part 5 - Surface flammability
- Part 7 - Vertically supported textiles and films
- Part 8 - Upholstered furniture
- Part 9 - Bedding components
- Part 10 - Test for fire resisting materials for high speed craft
Marine fire testing and certification
It is important to note that prior to performing any marine fire testing, a manufacturer should go through their certification body, a service which Warringtonfire can provide. Tests conducted on unsampled products cannot be used to obtain type approval.
Warringtonfire is your one-stop-shop for entry into the marine market. Our full spectrum of services includes marine fire testing, certification and advisory services.
To obtain market approval, products must comply with several marine fire tests and certification requirements.
Warringtonfire’s marine fire testing service offering comprises fire tests to all applicable international standards. Warringtonfire laboratories are IMO recognized and UKAS accredited and some of our staff are recognized as international experts within their field and are actively involved in the work of IMO with respect to fire.
Warringtonfire provides the necessary certification to prove compliance for fire protection products used on board vessels registered in the UK, Europe and USA.
Regardless of whether the requirement is Wheelmark, USCG or Red Ensign approval, Warringtonfire can help you bring your product to market. No marine fire testing should be undertaken before fully understanding the certification requirements for your product.
Marine fire testing to FTP and HSC Codes
Warringtonfire's Gent laboratory provides marine fire testing using methods prescribed by the FTP and HSC Codes, for which WFRGENT nv holds accreditation and recognition.
An overview of the tests provided can be found below:
2010 FTP Code MSC.307(88) Annex 1, part 1: Non-combustibility (cfr. (EN) ISO 1182 Non-combustibility Test)
2010 FTP Code MSC.307(88) Annex 1, part 3: Fire resistance tests for "A", "B" and "F" class divisions (decks, bulkheads, pipe penetrations and cable transits)
Warringtonfire Gent can also perform the following tests indicatively:
2010 FTP Code MSC.307(88) Annex 1, part 10 - appendix 1: Cone calorimeter (cfr. ISO 5660)
For these tests Warringtonfire Gent hold an accreditation by BELAC, but no recognition by IMO.
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Our Services

Fire Resistance
Find out how we test our customers passive fire protection products, to meet British, European and International standards in support of both CE marking and other third-party certification programs.

Learn more about our fire and non-fire third-party certification range, which complements our other services.