Warringtonfire’s team of engaged experts offer a comprehensive range of fire resistance and reaction to fire testing from our global locations
Our UKAS accredited laboratories in High Wycombe, Warrington and Dubai, as well as our BELAC accredited laboratory in Gent have over 40 years’ experience in fire testing and consistently help our customer to make certain the materials, products and systems we test for our customers are safe, quality, compliant and fit for purpose. To find out more about our services, click on one of the links below.Our Services
Warringtonfire has a comprehensive range of fire testing and technical services.

Fire Resistance
Find out how we test our customers passive fire protection products, to meet British, European and International standards in support of both CE marking and other third-party certification programs.

Fire Technical Services
Find out how we are able to support you with a suite of fire technical services including reports, advisory and certification.

Find out how our sister company, FIRA International, provides specialist testing and certification support services to the furniture industry.

Non-fire Testing
Find out how we help customers with their acoustic and smoke leakage, door and window and hardware testing.

Reaction to Fire
Find out how we help our customers to evaluate ignition, flame spread, heat release, smoke generation and toxicity for their materials, products and systems.