Product assessment
Sometimes it may not be possible to subject an exact product, construction, material, or system to a fire test. In these cases, Product Assessments (previously known as Global Assessment or Technical Fire Assessments) provide a technical justification as to the likely performance if the element was subjected to a fire resistance test. Warringtonfire’s experts in the UK, Belgium and Asia use their technical knowledge, base reference test data and computer and mathematical modelling to provide you with an expert assessment of the expected fire performance of your product, construction, material, or system.
Product assessment in the UK
What types of products can Warringtonfire in the UK assess?
To comply with regulations, many buildings require fire resistant building elements such as fire doors, wall systems and floors etc. It is often a legal requirement for these components to resist the passage and spread of fire for the entire life cycle of the product. The performance of these products needs to be proven, and that is normally achieved by conducting appropriate fire resistance testing. However, in some instances, it is impractical or impossible to test all potential variations of fire resistant elements for all applications – perhaps due to size or configuration, for example. Where this is the case, product assessment can help establish whether any variations from the elements that have been tested are acceptable. This service is normally best suited to simple judgements on small changes.
How does product assessment in the UK relate to buildings and construction?
Over time, the information relating to the status of fire protection in a building is not always fully maintained. Changes in a building’s use, regulatory reform, or acting on significant findings from a fire risk assessment can result in a need to establish the current levels of protection provided. Sometimes, in particularly bespoke building and construction projects, a product assessment may be considered an appropriate approach to establish the status of fire protection. An assessment by one of Warringtonfire’s Product Assessors can help provide information on potential upgrading or replacement work, if necessary.
What does product assessment in the UK involve?
During a product assessment, Warringtonfire’s experts analyse the results of a series of fire resistance tests, then apply the industry recognised rules plus their many years of knowledge, competence and experience, in order to evaluate a range of variables in the construction, design or product.
The output of the assessment is usually a report, advising whether the existing fire test evidence can be extended to allow the development of new designs or design variations without the need for additional fire testing.
Product assessment in Asia
What is a technical fire assessment?
Technical fire assessments are desktop study reports of a modified product or system that has already been fire tested. Technical fire assessments range from straightforward judgements on small changes to a product, through to detailed and complex engineering analyses of large, sophisticated building systems. They also involve the inter- or extrapolation of - a series of fire resistance or reaction to fire tests results to evaluate a range of variables in a construction design or product. Sometimes, it may not be possible to subject an exact construction or product to a fire test. In these cases, we can provide an assessment of the expected performance of a construction element or product based on available reference test data or through computer and mathematical modelling.
What technical fire assessment services do we offer in Asia?
Warringtonfire’s technical fire assessments team are located in Singapore. They can provide:
- Advice on new product ranges or systems to determine the minimum testing required to comply with the regulatory requirements. This enables the assessment of a wider range of products.
- Fire assessment reports to address variations to the fire resistance and reaction to fire levels of products.
- Modifications to a tested product or system with supplementary R&D pilot scale or medium scale tests.
- Mathematical and computer modelling which can assess variations of the tested product or system.
- Structural fire protection assessments of protected steel members and composite construction systems.
- Assessments on the performance of a product or a system under specific conditions or installation configurations.
- Finite element thermal and structural analyses to simulate the behaviour of building systems exposed to fire.
- A ‘translation’ of a test report conducted overseas by an internationally accredited test laboratory to an equivalent Singaporean, Malaysian or other locally accepted test standard.
Product Assessment in Gent
WFRGENT nv has ample test equipment at its disposal, to evaluate both the reaction to fire of materials and systems and to test the fire resistance of building constructions according to a wide variety of national and international standards. WFRGENT nv can also realise non-standardized experimental full scale tests. The data from these experiments are often combined with the outcome of numerical simulations in order to reduce the number of tests or to extrapolate test results. This service is mainly offered to people or organisations who wish to evaluate the fire risk in existing or planned building constructions or means of transport. It also helps in finding answers for situations where fire has cost lives, has caused major financial losses or has endangered people and/or organisations. Previous projects have covered aspects of fire safety in nuclear power plants, car parks and residential buildings.
Our Services
Warringtonfire has a comprehensive range of fire testing and technical services.

Fire Resistance
Find out how we test our customers passive fire protection products, to meet British, European and International standards in support of both CE marking and other third-party certification programs.

Fire Technical Services
Find out how we are able to support you with a suite of fire technical services including reports, advisory and certification.

Find out how our sister company, FIRA International, provides specialist testing and certification support services to the furniture industry.

Non-fire Testing
Find out how we help customers with their acoustic and smoke leakage, door and window and hardware testing.

Reaction to Fire
Find out how we help our customers to evaluate ignition, flame spread, heat release, smoke generation and toxicity for their materials, products and systems.