Wall and partition systems testing services

Warringtonfire provides accredited fire resistance testing of walls and partition walls to British, European and International standards for load bearing systems and non-load bearing systems from our UKAS accredited laboratories in Warrington, High Wycombe, our BELAC accredited laboratory in Gent, our Singapore laboratory in Sungei Kadut Loop and our Malaysia laboratory in Johor.

Experienced fire consultants support our wall and partition wall fire testing services and offer clients the opportunity to maximize the scope of coverage generated by their test evidence through an independently produced product assessment or extended field of application (EXAP) and classification report where applicable.

Load bearing systems

To help against collapse or failure of a building, there is a requirement for load bearing systems to have a minimum standard of fire resistance. Such wall or partition wall must maintain the fire integrity and independent structural stability of buildings. The fire resistance of load bearing systems can be demonstrated through destructive fire test evidence.

Non-load bearing systems

The spread of fire within a building can be restricted by using fire resisting walls and partition walls to separate the building into compartments and allow means of escape. The fire resistance of non-load bearing systems can be demonstrated through destructive fire test evidence.

Why Warringtonfire?

Our team of engaged experts ensure that Warringtonfire is one of the leading providers of wall and partition wall system testing. We understand the need that you must develop new products and the importance of getting these products to market at just the right time.

That’s why we are fully equipped to offer the service you need, when you need it.

For further strength testing services, Element Singapore and Malaysia provides a full suite adhering to SS 492. 

The  Buildable  Design  Appraisal  System  or  BDAS  was  developed  by  the  Building  and  Construction Authority as a means to measure the potential impact of a building design on the usage of site labour. One of the buildable systems that improve the site productivity is the prefabricated partition wall system.  One of the requirements for this wall system is it has to satisfy the strength requirement as stated in SS 492.

Element Singapore and Malaysia is able to provide the following full tests according to SS 492/BS 5234-2:

  • Determination of partition wall stiffness (Annex A)
  • Determination of surface damage by small hard body impact (Annex B)
  • Determination of resistance to damage by impact from a large soft body (Annex C)
  • Determination of resistance to perforation by small hard body impact (Annex D)
  • Determination of resistance to structural damage by multiple impacts from a large soft body (Annex E)
  • Determination of the effects of door slamming (Annex F)
  • Determination of resistance to crowd pressure (Annex G)
  • Lightweight anchorage pull out test (Annex H)
  • Lightweight anchorage pull down test (Annex J)
  • Heavyweight anchorage (wash basin) eccentric downward loading test (Annex K)
  • Heavyweight anchorage (high level wall cupboard) eccentric downward loading test (Annex L)