
How to come out of the crisis stronger through fire certification

For many organizations, 2020 created profound challenges in the way they conduct business. The COVID-19 pandemic affected working practices around the world, and the disruption it caused demonstrated to many businesses that their systems or practices needed improvement. It has acted as a reminder of how important it is for continuity to ensure appropriate certifications are upheld.

Any businesses considering certification, whether it be new or a renewal, should act now. Current progress in the global pandemic means that there will be a return to some normality as we progress through 2021 and now is the ideal time to ensure that an organization is in the strongest possible position when emerging on the other side of the crisis.

Warringtonfire’s team of engaged experts provide UKAS accredited certification for products and personnel.

What fire certifications can be attained during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Warringtonfire’s certification services reinforce a business’ reputation, quality, performance and reliability. Warringtonfire works in collaboration with specialist industry sectors and with specifiers, regulators and enforcement authorities internationally, to set benchmarks for fire protection, safety and security.

Warringtonfire works with organizations including the Association of Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) and London Underground Ltd (LUL) to remain at the forefront of industry developments. It is a world leader in fire certification and with its support, an organization can achieve full passive and active fire protection while also ensuring it achieves the required compliance and reassurance through certification.

Fire certification for product and personnel:

  • Ensures a product is fit for purpose, manufactured to quality system standards and demonstrates a link between the product produced in factory and the laboratory test sample
  • Gives specifiers, users, occupiers, owners and enforcement bodies confidence that products have been thoroughly and independently evaluated
  • Provides clients with greater confidence in the business
  • Increases competence standards in the installers of products and systems
  • Provides independent verification of the use of best practice

Examples of product and personnel fire certifications offered by Warringtonfire:

For more information about Warringtonfire’s certification services, get in touch with us here

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