Taking place at the NEC from 8-10 April 2025, The Fire Safety Event is dedicated to supporting industry professionals and organisations in improving and maintaining the highest standards in fire safety management. 

Warringtonfire are an Event Partner, and you can meet our experts on stand 4/G107. 

About the The Fire Safety Event 

Showcasing the latest products, technology and solutions in fire safety, The Fire Safety Event is the perfect opportunity for visitors to gain direct insight into improving business protection and continuity. The event encompasses the exhibition, alongside a conference programme and networking opportunities. 

Meet our experts on stand 4/G107

The Warringtonfire stand is one not to miss. Our experts can support with fire testing and certification queries. 

There will also be our popular series of Tech Talks taking place everyday on the ‘European Classification System for Construction Product’s, ‘EN Classification of Doorsets Explained’ and an ‘Introduction to Reaction to Fire and Roof Testing’. 

Book a meeting today

Schedule a meeting with one of our experts to learn more about how we can help you with all your fire testing and certification needs

Tech Talks on the Warringtonfire stand

The European classification standards (EN 13501 series) define harmonised procedures for classifying the resistance and reaction to fire performance of construction products. The UK government has announced that the National Classes fire testing standards (i.e. BS 476 series) will be withdrawn from 'Approved Document B' in favour of the EN 13501 series of European classification standards. Join Peter Barker as he explains the methods used to derive European classifications for construction products, covering the following topics: 

  • Key differences between EN 13501 and BS 476 series of standards
  • Test methods
  • Extension of scope using direct (DIAP) and extended application (EXAP) rules
  • Classification process
  • Product families 

Hosted by Peter Barker, Technical Policy Manager, Warringtonfire

Peter will explain the process of classifying doorsets using the European classification system (EN 13501-2).

Peter will explain what a doorset manufacturer needs to consider when embarking on a test programme to generate a fire and smoke classification for their doorset designs. 

Peter will explain why it is important to understand product families and types for the purpose of EN classification, particularly in relation to the use of direct application (DIAP) and extended application (EXAP) rules when defining design options based on test evidence. 

Hosted by Peter Barker, Technical Policy Manager, Warringtonfire

Introduction to Reaction to Fire and Roof Testing Karl will introduce the test methods used for reaction to fire testing of construction products and fire testing of roof systems, including video footage of the products being tested at Warringtonfire’s test laboratory. Karl will explain how the different test methods relate to the EN classification process, and describe the different classes used for classifying the products based on test evidence. 

Hosted by Karl Tran, Business Development Manager, Warringtonfire

Peter Barker photo
Technical Policy Manager

Peter Barker

Peter is a Technical Policy Manager at Warringtonfire. Peter has worked for over 20 years in the field of passive fire protection, specializing in mentoring and supporting engineers producing assessments and classifications of fire resisting construction products, as well as providing technical support to assist the development of industry leading third party certification schemes for construction products. Peter is an active member of various committees within BSI and CEN, helping to prepare and revise national and international standards and codes of practice. Peter is the current convenor of CEN/TC127WG7, the working group that is responsible for maintaining and developing the suite of EN classification standards (EN 13501 series).

Karl Tran is Business Development Manager at Warringtonfire
Business Development Manager

Karl Tran

Karl works within Warringtonfire's Reaction to Fire division, as Business Development Manager. He specializes in product certification, security testing, fire testing, and furniture testing. Recently, his primary focus has been on supporting clients navigate the withdrawal of BS 476 and the implications on reaction to fire testing of construction products.